I see, you have to go to a post that came after your "worked up" comment to show that I was worked up in the first place. Hmmm...
Mad Dawg
JoinedPosts by Mad Dawg
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt injohn w. loftus responds to the "angry atheist" assertion.
are we angry atheists?.
.. if we are angry, christians will see this as a sign we are god haters.
Mad Dawg
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt injohn w. loftus responds to the "angry atheist" assertion.
are we angry atheists?.
.. if we are angry, christians will see this as a sign we are god haters.
Mad Dawg
Ok, so what was the point of the joke? What was its relavance to my post?
Worked up?
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt injohn w. loftus responds to the "angry atheist" assertion.
are we angry atheists?.
.. if we are angry, christians will see this as a sign we are god haters.
Mad Dawg
Mad Dawg previously said:
I have no problem with the sign whatsoever.
Bohm said:
Mad Dawg: its just so silly you get worked up about richard dawkins spreading atheist arguments.. try to explain why you feel there is something "wrong" (or whatever word you want to use, im just guessing) in Richard Dawkins trying to argue his case.
Worked up? Are you kidding? Something "wrong"? What part of "I have no problem with the sign whatsoever" don't you understand? Did you miss the part where I said: "He has every right to post it"? I really, truly don't care if atheists evangelize. But, don't lie to me that they don't evangelize. From what I have seen, atheists get just as worked up as Baptists about the other doing evangelism.
Did you notice the part in your video about rehearsing your own prejudices?
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt injohn w. loftus responds to the "angry atheist" assertion.
are we angry atheists?.
.. if we are angry, christians will see this as a sign we are god haters.
Mad Dawg
I have no problem with the sign whatsoever. He has every right to post it as you said. But don't tell me that atheists don't evangelize. I defy you to show me where I said he didn't have that right to free speach.
Why the bold? What are you upset about? Why are you reading into my statements things that are simply not there? Are you doing that mental narrative thing the video you posted warned about?
Ya know, you really do come across in your last post as rather, Ummm... angry.
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt injohn w. loftus responds to the "angry atheist" assertion.
are we angry atheists?.
.. if we are angry, christians will see this as a sign we are god haters.
Mad Dawg
Remember folks, the picture above is not an attempt to evangelize or persuade anyone to believe anything but what they already do.
In fact, here is another calm, dispassionate statement that the Bible condones abusing women by Jeff Schweitzer on the homepage for Richard Dawkins. Remember, this is NOT an attempt to convert, deconvert, or evangelize in any manner. The author is not trying to convince you of anything.
Perhaps most striking is that slavery, incest, rape, polygamy and misogyny are fully condoned and encouraged by god. Literally. In Genesis 4:19, we are told that Jacob had two wives; Solomon was busier with 700; and this was before Viagra. In Genesis 16:2, Sarah gave permission to Abraham, her husband, to have sex with her maid, Hagar. Of course since Hagar was a maid... yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.
Why does Jeff fail to distinguish between reporting events and condoning events? I defy any of you to show me where God condones the above events. In fact, we find that there were grave consequences for the actions reported in the above paragraph. I can only think of two reasons for such a skewed view: 1) Ignorance 2) Malevolence. And you want me to take this stuff seriously?
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt injohn w. loftus responds to the "angry atheist" assertion.
are we angry atheists?.
.. if we are angry, christians will see this as a sign we are god haters.
Mad Dawg
Two people walk into a room and see another person, with a knife in their hand, standing over a dead guy. One person assumes that the person with the knife killed the dead fellow. The other assumes that he found the guy with the knife in him and pulled it out in an effort to save him. Obviously, one is right and one is wrong. Does that mean that one is rational and one is irrational?
Help me become a real CRAZY FUNDIE ATHEIST parent!
by bohm inhello friends!.
once in a while you hear about fundie atheists, and i have desided to become one.
but i need a bit of advice.. you see, apparently the fundie atheists are as messed up as their worst religious "fundie" counterparts, so i got some expectations to live up to.. i have desided to focus on how i should raise my child, since the religious dickery i hate the most has to do with how children are raised.
Mad Dawg
Bohm said:
Mad Dawg: But at the end of the day, I could also speculate that some "fundie christians" might crucify their children to show them what christ went through, but thats hardly very on-topic either since to the best of my knowledge no christians actually do that, and it would only reflect my rather sick imagination and prejustice!!!
What is your problem? I agreed with you 100%, without reservation, in my last post. If somehting doesn't apply why not say so and move on? Why are you still harping on it?
Help me become a real CRAZY FUNDIE ATHEIST parent!
by bohm inhello friends!.
once in a while you hear about fundie atheists, and i have desided to become one.
but i need a bit of advice.. you see, apparently the fundie atheists are as messed up as their worst religious "fundie" counterparts, so i got some expectations to live up to.. i have desided to focus on how i should raise my child, since the religious dickery i hate the most has to do with how children are raised.
Mad Dawg
Bohm said:
The second is scaring kids with pictures of abortions in order to serve an agenda. I think the last part is wrong because i think children should be shielded from such images.
I agree 100%. You asked what you could do that would be the equivalent of what religious nuts do, and I offered some suggestions. As I said, it is not about me.
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt injohn w. loftus responds to the "angry atheist" assertion.
are we angry atheists?.
.. if we are angry, christians will see this as a sign we are god haters.
Mad Dawg
SBC said:
MadDawg, do you think the author of the video was fair in his description of open-mindedness?
I agree with what he was saying. It also applies to atheists as well. The examples that he uses are overly simplistic. I understand the point he is making, however; he uses the weakest arguments in support of the supernatural.
Belief in the Bible or Koran as being of divine origin - those are not axioms, they're presuppositions.
Correct - sort of. The axiom is that a Divine Agent may or does exist. The divine origin of a book, or not, is a presupposition until one has examined the evidence. Then, it becomes a conclusion. Do you suppose that it is possible for two people to look at the same evidence and come to polar opposite, yet valid, conclusions? How would open mindedness operate in this scenario?
The point is, if we know that 1.5 or so billion people on the other side of the world have a parallel presupposition (which contradicts our own) and they base their lives on it (just as we do our own), perhaps all of us would do best to release our childhood presuppositions and perform an unbiased (or suppressed bias) search for truth as adults.
I agree. Many times atheists come across as being rather strident. I have seen them cling bitterly to some criticism of the Bible or another that just doesn't hold water. Of all the posts on this site, I have only once seen an atheist admit that he was wrong on an item of contention. That is not to say more don't exist, but they are rare.
At 18, I rejected the faith that I grew up with wholesale. I spent many hours examining numerous faiths and non-faiths. I have read Buddhist books and attended a temple. Trying to pin them down on something was like trying to nail pudding to the wall. I did return to Christianity, but not the flavor I grew up with. They consider me to be a heretic.
If you choose to be offended...
I am not offended.
when someone points out there's no evidence for your god, that's your prerogative,
Actually there is evidence. Whether or not you wish to accept it or not is your choice.
but don't put words in my mouth.
I didn't. There was no "you" statement.
Your line is similar to one JW friend who was listening to my reasons for no longer accepting WT doctrine: "Oh, so all JWs are incapable of rational thought??" No, not incapable. That's strawman reasoning.
Are you saying that JW's are exercising rational thought?
Most rationalists I know previously had belief in Yahweh and were JWs.
Are you saying that those who believe in Yahweh are irrational because they believe in Him?
Ah, yes, all atheists and Baptists in the same boat. That'd be an interesting party. Is that another axiom?
I didn't say "all". No, it is not an axiom, it is an observation.
But if I expose someone's flawed logic when they try to assert that I should worship their invisible god, I'm like a Baptist?
Umm... No. If you re-read the post, you will find the issue is attitude.
Then don't listen to them.
Are you actually telling me to close my mind?
And if you perceive a "Fundy Atheist" is preaching at you on a thread, feel free to close...
I already feel free to do so. I also feel free to call them on it. But I do appreciate you granting me permission to ignore them.
...and move on to a "Fundy Prejudice" thread where I'm sure you'll find people who think like you.
If my interest was in people who think like me, I wouldn't be here in the first place. Is that why you are here, to converse with the atheist Amen Chior? That isn't very open minded of you.
Help me become a real CRAZY FUNDIE ATHEIST parent!
by bohm inhello friends!.
once in a while you hear about fundie atheists, and i have desided to become one.
but i need a bit of advice.. you see, apparently the fundie atheists are as messed up as their worst religious "fundie" counterparts, so i got some expectations to live up to.. i have desided to focus on how i should raise my child, since the religious dickery i hate the most has to do with how children are raised.
Mad Dawg
We are not talking about me. We are talking about how Fundy Atheists compare to Fundy Baptists or Muslims or whatever. I'll bet that Muslims would say that at least the girls survive FGM. They would also claim that it serves a greater social purpose - just as Fundy Athiests do.